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» Inspiration Danse Studio

Inspiration Danse Studio

lien_Inspiration_DanseThe "Inspiration Danse Studio" school called IDS teaches ballroom dance and rock'n'roll from beginners to advanced levels at Paris Nation. IDS also teaches Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba. The school specializes in couples dances.


Directors Séverine Asnar and Rabih Mourad are sensitive to the joys and pleasures of dance and regularly offers dance evenings and workshops.

These events support the dancer in his development and technical construction.


A club of competitors, the cdsparis-nation, is attached to their school and includes about thirty sports dance couples registered with the wdsf and the French dance federation.


Many champions of France have been trained or have gone through this club which has existed for 28 years.




Contact :
Severine ASNAR
phone +33698279372

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